Monday, 27 September 2010

Evaluation Questions- Busted Video

Create 3 blog posts:

1) Pre production (story boarding, prop lists etc)
2) Production (filming etc)
3) Post production (editing footage etc)

On each post you need to write an account of what you did at every stage and list skills acquired and skills you need to develop. 200 words minimum per post.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Mike 'Mo' Capaldi'- Lakia presents Fully Flared

A2 Preliminary Task- Lip Syncing

A2 Media Project* Arctic Monkeys- Old Yellow Bricks

I was looking for an Arctic Monkeys song to put on the blog, as some of their early videos are quite inspirational for my idea, and i found this which was created by another A2 media student from a different college. I chose to post it because i like a lot of the camera work they have done and angles they have used rather than the editing which could have been polished up to create a more flowing video. This video was shown on BBC news for its outstanding reviews which got recognition from the band itself!
I really like the concept, escaping from the 'Old Yellow Bricks' that are represented as a type of spreading virus or monster chasing a male around an industrial type area. The following camera work and the angles used I think are really effective, and one of the downward panning shots of the city skyline is extremly professional and effective.

Friday, 3 September 2010

Kate Nash- Foundations

I chose to analyse this video as it is not normally a song i would choose to listen to, I dont really enjoy the song but I like certain aspects of the video. I like the shots of props like socks, toothbrushes and watches coming together and moving slowly using a variety of either still images out together or very short bursts of a clip edited quickly to give the effect of movement.
I also like some of the mise en scene, alternative and quirky once again that looks like a plain, dated room but is lit up with colours of costume and things that fill the room such as messy plates, flowers, skateboards, different furniture, a real blend of different props that are effective in the video.
The costume once again is based on current fashion and is relatable to fashion groups, which gives the video an interest factor because the whole genre of the video is different and of that certain nature.

Jay-Z ft Mr Hudson- Forever Young

The insiparation in this video is the simplicty of the concept used, slow motion images of everything used effectively, and the use of black and white for all the footage.
The slow motion is something that i want to use in my piece, and also some of the content in this video is skateboarding which is a big concept in my video. Although the abngles used arent that challenging to capture, the editing for the slow motion is very smooth and obviously edited in advanced software. I want to re-create this, but using more challanging angles for a better grade. If i can get closer to the skater and keep their whole body in the shot throughout the manouver/ the trick then the effect of a fisheye will enhance the viewing, also editing it either sharpening, giving effects, slightly slowing or ramping the clip are options i have to enhance the video and the impact contrasting with the music.

Foals- Balloons

This is the song I will be using as my coursework this year. It is also one of my favourite music videos, in one aspect because of the raw simplicity of the mise en scene. The room is dated and ordinary but with the bands costume and clothing, together with all the the instruments the room suddenly looks alternative and quirky. Also, the random but brilliant props used, like a crow and the close ups of it and the fire in tea cups and on shoes and in hands gives it more alternative and an almost fashionable look.
The editintg in the video is very good, it pieces everything together. The short bursts of one clip into another gives the video life and energy that the song is trying to express.
The camera angles and shots that are used are also effectiove. I like the shots where one of the band members is standing among other people or other memners, and the shot is only fucused on them ,leaving everyines else out of focus. I also like shots that move or switch to another band member in tthe same shot, panning quickly so that the it creates a blurred effect and then quickly going still and focusing back on another band member.
The costume used is alternative and fashionable, making the band look exactly that. This makes them appeal to a certain audience before them even listening to the music or watching all of the video.
I do not particularly like the female dancers when they are shown on their own , but when the band are amongst the crowd i think it looks effective. Overall a very inspirational and enjoyable video.
Applying theory:
Andrew Goodwins Generic Conventions-
1. what generic conventions are evident in the music video?
The attitude of the band whilst playing the song and singing represent a certain type of genre in the sudden movements and outrageous dancing which somehow they seem to make look good.
2.What relationship is there between the lyrics and visuals?
There are some illustrative relationships such as the dancing in the video by the band, it fits the jumpy and random music which is what the dancing also is. Also the way in which the lead singer, Yannis, sings or mimes is very extravogant and alternative but it works with the music. There is also a contradicting element in the dance routine from the female dancers, which seem to have no relevance to the music, the band, mise-en-scene or the genre. Their simple but structured routine doesn't fit perfectly with the song, but it also somehows works well in the video with the music. There is also some disjunctered elements such as the crow on the set, and the fire in tea cups and in the band members hands, once again despite there being no relevance to the music or genre, it works well with the music and overall in the video. In conclusion, the contrast and mix of relationships work extremely well and are effective in the video.